Sunday 23 December 2012

Daftar Judul Novel Agatha Christie

Berikut adalah daftar novel yang ditulis Agatha Christie hingga akhir hayatnya, yang telah diurutkan berdasarkan tahun penulisan/ penerbitannya, serta disertai dengan tokoh utama yang terlibat di dalamnya :
* Misteri di Styles - The Mysterious Affair of Styles" (1920, Poirot),
* Musuh Dalam Selimut - The Secret Adversary (1922, Tommy & Tuppence),
* Lapangan Golf Maut – Murder on the Links (1923, Poirot),
* Pria Berstelan Coklat - The Man in the Brown Suite (1924, Kolonel Race),
* Poirot Melacak - Poirot Investigates (1924, Poirot),
* Rahasia Chimneys - The Secret of Chimneys Rahasia Chimneys (1925, Inspektur Battle),
* Pembunuhan Atas Roger Ackroyd - The Murder of Roger Ackroyd (1926, Poirot),
* Empat Besar - The Big Four (1927, Poirot),

* Misteri Kereta Api Biru - The Mystery of the Blue Train (1928, Poirot),
* Misteri Tujuh Lonceng - The Seven Dials Mystery Misteri Tujuh Lonceng (1929),

* Pasangan Detektif – Partners in Crime (1929, Tommy & Tuppence),
* Pembunuhan di Wisma Pendeta - The Murder at The Vicarage (1930, Miss Marple),
* Mr. Quin yang Misterius - The Mysterious (1930, Mr Quin),
* Misteri Sittaford - The Sittaford Mystery (1931),
* Hotel Majestic - Peril at End House (1932, Poirot),
* Tiga Belas Kasus – The Thirteen Problems (1932, Miss Marple),
* Matinya Lord Edgware - Lord Edgware Dies (1933),
* Anjing Kematian - The Hound of Death and Other Stories (1933, Poirot),
* Pembunuhan di Atas Orient Express - Murder on the Orient Express (1934, Poirot)

* Misteri Listerdale - The Listardale Mystery (1934),
* Pembunuhan di Balik Kabut - Why Didn't They Ask Evans? (1934),
* Tragedi Tiga Babak - Three Act Tragedy (1934, Poirot),
* Parker Pyne Menyelidiki – Parker Pyne Investigates (1934, Parker Pyne),
* Maut di Udara - Death in the Clouds (1935, Poirot),
* Pembunuhan ABC - The ABC Murders (1936, Poirot),
* Pembunuhan di Mesopotamia - Murder in Mesopotamia (1936, Poirot)

* Kartu - Kartu di Meja - Cards on The Table (1936, Poirot),
* Pembunuhan di Lorong - Murder in The Mews (1937, Poirot),
* Saksi Bisu - Dumb Witness (1937, Poirot),
* Pembunuhan di Sungai Nil - Death on the Nile (1937, Poirot),
* Perjanjian Dengan Maut - Appointment with Death (1938, Poirot),

* Sepuluh Anak Negro/ Lalu Semuanya Lenyap - And Then There Were None (1939),
* Pembunuhan di Malam Natal - Hercule Poirot’s Christmas (1939, Poirot),
* Membunuh Itu Gampang - Murder is Easy (1939, Inspektur Battle),
* Mawar Tak Berduri - Sad Cypress (1940, Poirot),* Satu, Dua, Pasang Gesper - One, Two, Buckle My Shoes (1940, Poirot),
* Pembunuhan di Teluk Pixy - Evil Under the Sun (1941, Poirot),

* N atau M? - N or M? (1941, Tommy & Tuppence),
* Mayat Dalam Perpustakaan - The Body in the Library (1942, Miss Marple),
* Mengungkit Pembunuhan - Five Little Pigs (1942, Poirot),
* Pena Beracun – The Moving Finger (1943, Miss Marple),
* Menuju Titik Nol - Towards Zero (1944, Inspektur Battle),
* Ledakan Dendam - Death Comes As the End (1945),
* Kenangan Kematian – Sparkling Cyanide (1945, Kolonel Race),
* Rumah Gema – The Hollow (1946, Poirot),
* Tugas-Tugas Hercules - The Labours of Hercules (1947, Poirot),
* Mengail di Air Keruh - Taken at the Flood (1948, Poirot),
* Buku Catatan Yosephine - Crooked House (1949),
* Iklan Pembunuhan - A Murder Is Announced (1950, Miss Marple),
* Mereka Datang ke Baghdad - They Came to Baghdad (1951),
* Mrs. McGinty Sudah Mati - Mrs. McGinty's Dead (1952, Poirot),

* Muslihat dengan Cermin - They Do It with Mirrors (1952, Miss Marple),
* Setelah Pemakaman - After the Funeral (1953, Poirot),
* Misteri Burung Hitam – A Pocket Full of Rye (1953, Miss Marple),
* Menuju Negeri Antah Berantah - Destination Unknown (1955),
* Pembunuhan di Pondokan Mahasiswa – Hickory Dickory Dock (1955, Poirot),
* Kubur Berkubah - Dead Man's Folly (1956, Poirot),
* Kereta 4.50 dari Paddington - 4:50 from Paddington (1957, Miss Marple),
* Mata Rantai yang Hilang - Ordeal by Innocence (1958),
* Kucing di Tengah Burung Dara - Cat among the Pigeons (1959, Poirot),

* Skandal Perjamuan Natal - The Adventure of The Christmas Pudding (1960, Poirot/ Miss Marple),
* Misteri Penginapan Tua - The Pale Horse (1961, Ariadne Oliver),

* Dan Cermin Pun Retak - The Mirror Crack'd From Side To Side (1962, Miss Marple),
* Mayat Misterius - The Clocks (1963, Poirot),
* Misteri Karibia - A Caribbean Mystery (1964, Miss Marple),

* Hotel Bertram - At Bertram's Hotel (1965, Miss Marple),
* Gadis Ketiga - Third Girl (1966, Poirot),
* Malam Tanpa Akhir - Endless Night (1967),
* Rumah di Tepi Kanal – By the Pricking of My Thumbs (1968, Tommy & Tuppence),
* Pesta Hallowe'en - Hallowe'en Party (1969, Poirot),
* Penumpang ke Frankfurt - Passenger to Frankfurt: An Extravaganza (1970),
* Nemesis (1971, Miss Marple),
* Gajah Selalu Ingat - Elephants Can Remember (1972, Poirot),
* Gerbang Nasib – Postern of Fate (1973, Tommy & Tuppence),
* Kasus-Kasus Perdana Poirot - Poirot's Early Casess (1974, Poirot),
* Tirai - Curtain: Poirot's Last Case (1975, Poirot),
* Pembunuhan Terpendam – Sleeping Murder (1976, Miss Marple),
* Kasus-Kasus Terakhir Miss Marple - Miss Marple's Final Cases (1979, Miss Marple),
* Masalah di Teluk Pollensa – Problem at Pollensa Bay (1991, Parker Pyne/ Poirot/ Mr Quin),
* Selagi Hari Terang - While The Light Lasts (1997)


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